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博鱼电子最新网页:研究表明 学龄前儿童接触联网设备的人数有所增加

博鱼电子最新网页:研究表明 学龄前儿童接触联网设备的人数有所增加

本文摘要:Three out of four children under-five now has access to a tablet, smartphone or computer, according to a study.一项研究表明,在5岁以下的儿童中,有3/4的儿童如今需要认识到平板电脑、智能手机或电脑。

Three out of four children under-five now has access to a tablet, smartphone or computer, according to a study.一项研究表明,在5岁以下的儿童中,有3/4的儿童如今需要认识到平板电脑、智能手机或电脑。Market researcher Childwise asked more than 1,000 UK parents about their pre-schooler offsprings media habits.市场研究机构Childwise就儿童子女用于媒体的习惯告知了1000多名英国父母。

It said three-quarters of the children had access to a connected device and most of the three- and four-year-olds had their own tablet or PC.该研究认为,四分之三的儿童可以用于联网设备,大多数三至四岁的儿童都有自己的平板电脑或个人电脑。The increasing use of connected devices by preschoolers this year may reflect growing access to on-demand services, especially subscription-based options such as Netflix, which has quickly risen through the ranks over the last three to four years, said research manager Jenny Ehren.调研经理珍妮·埃伦回应:“今年,正处于儿童的儿童更加多地用于互联网设备,这有可能体现出有人们更加多地必须播出业务,尤其是像Netflix那样可订阅者的服务,这项服务在近三到四年快速增长飞快。”Overall, the study indicated that children were typically spending an average of two hours and 48 minutes a day -- up from two hours and 36 minutes last year and two hours and 24 minutes in 2014 -- watching video content in all its forms.总的来说,该研究表明,现在儿童平均值每天要花上2小时48分钟的时间在观赏各种形式的视频内容上,而去年是2小时36分钟,2014年则是2小时24分钟。

But boys were said to watch for longer periods of time.但是男孩看的时间要更长一些。Voice-recognition gadgets such as Apples Siri and Amazons Alexa were also said to be increasingly popular with the age group.像苹果的Siri和亚马逊的Alexa这样的语音辨识小工具,在该年龄段的儿童中也日益普及。But the children remain interested in offline activities too. And there was an increase in the number of parents reporting their children were engaged in arts and crafts and going to the library outside of school.不过儿童仍旧对线下活动感兴趣。




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